Centro de mesa frisos 58 & pequena terra

Centro de mesa frisos 58 natural
Centro de mesa frisos
Domingos Tótora
Forms and Functions
In collection
Centro de mesa & Vaso liso
Centro de mesa frisos is a creation by the Brazilian designer Domingos Tótora. The curved rows represent the rolling hills, waterways and coffee fields in Maria da Fé, the area surrounding the Studio Domingos Tótora. The lines’ relief interacts with light and mimics the way rays of sunlight move over fields and hills, creating a mesmerising light and shadow effect.
The earth in Maria da Fé is coloured brown and red, an element of nature reflected in the colours of the Centro de mesa friso.
Totora’s works are sculpted by hand and therefore one-of-a-kind. His products are strictly for indoor use.